Web 和 Django 开发中的一些笔记总结。
Summary of Some Knowledge in Web and Django Development.
Introduction to WSGI
A Web Server Gatway Interface (WSGI) server implements the web server side of the WSGI interface for running Python web applications.
- A traditional web server does not understand or have any way to run Python applications. In the late 1990s, a developer named Grisha Trubetskoy came up with an Apache module called
to execute arbitrary Python code. - However, this module stalled and security vulnerabilities were discovered. Then, the community realized that a consistent way to execute Python code for web applications was needed.
- Therefore the Python community came up with WSGI as a standard interface that modules and containers could implement. WSGI is now the accepted approach for running Python web applications.
WSGI’s Purpose and Example
WSGI gives us flexibility: Application developers can swap out(更换)web stack components for others.
- For example, a developer can switch from Gunicorn to uWSGI without modifying the application or framework that implements WSGI. 换言之,WSGI 规定了统一的接口。我们无需关心网络堆栈组件的具体结构如何,我们只需要根据 WSGI 接口的要求实现我们底层的函数即可。
- The availability and widespread use of such an API in web servers for Python would separate choice of framework from choice of web server.
WSGI servers promote scaling: WSGI servers handle processing requests from the web server and deciding how to communicate those requests to an application framework’s process. The segregation of responsibilities is important for efficiently scaling web traffic.
- Serving thousands of requests for dynamic content at once is the domain of WSGI servers, not frameworks. 在我们开发 Django 的时候,因此不需要考虑高并发的情况,我们需要关注的是程序对于内存的应用,以及是否重复创建了某些东西,或内存碎片是否被及时回收。
WSGI is by design a simple standard interface for running Python code.
- WSGI container is a separate running process that runs on a different port than your web server.
- A web server’s configuration specifies what requests should be passed to the WSGI server to process. Once a request is processed and generated by the WSGI server, the response is passed back through the web server and onto the browser.
If you’re using a standard web framework such as Django, Flask, or FastAPI, or almost any other current Python framework, you don’t need to worry about how frameworks implement the application side of the WSGI standard. Likewise, if you’re using a standard WSGI container such as Green Unicorn, uWSGI, mod_wsgi, or gevent, you can get them running without worrying about how they implement the WSGI standard.
For exmaple, this Nginx web server’s configuration specifies that Nginx should handle static assets (such as /IMAGES/WEB, JavaScript, and CSS files) under the /static directory and pass all other requests to the WSGI server running on port 8000:
1 | # 指定了一个后端服务器(WSGI服务器)的地址为 localhost:8000。 |
如果 Django 需要调用静态文件,只需要:
- 在 Django 设置中配置静态文件路径;
4# settings.py
STATIC_URL = '/static/' # 在模板或视图中引用静态文件的基本 URL。
STATIC_ROOT = '/path/to/your/static/folder/'
# 静态文件的实际存储路径。
- 在开发环境中,Django 通常会自动处理静态文件,但在生产环境中,可能需要运行
- 在 Nginx 配置中指定 Django 的静态文件路径。
About Static Files
以我的项目的 STATIC 部分为例:
1 | STATIC_URL = '/static/' |
是静态文件的 URL 前缀,被 Django 用来生成静态文件的 URL。例如,如果STATIC_URL
的静态文件的 URL 就会是 `/static/my_app/example.jpg。STATIC_ROOT
后被复制到的位置。我们可以将前端的 web 服务器指向这个 STATIC_ROOT 文件夹,从而从一个位置提供静态文件。STATICFILES_DIRS
是一个包含了 Django 在查找静态文件时需要考虑的额外目录的列表。对于同名文件,Django 会按照STATICFILES_DIRS
在 Django 中,collectstatic
是一个命令行工具,用于将项目中的静态文件(如 CSS、JavaScript、图像等)收集到一个单独的目录,通常称为 STATIC_ROOT
。这有助于在生产环境中更有效地提供静态文件,而不需要在每个请求中由 Django 来处理。
在 collectstatic
过程中,Django 会检查已安装的各个应用中的 static
中配置的其他目录,以及 Django 自身的 admin
应用中的 static
文件夹,然后将这些静态文件全部汇总到 STATIC_ROOT
中,以供 Nginx、Apache 或其他静态文件服务器提供给用户浏览器。
为了让在开发环境还是在运行 collectstatic
1 | MODELS_PATH = osp.join(BASE_DIR, 'static', 'models') |
这在开发环境时是没有问题的,但是生产环境时我们需要指向 collect_static
1 | from Project_release.settings import BASE_DIR, DEBUG |
About the Reverse and Forward Proxy Server
A reverse proxy server is an intermediate connection point positioned at a network’s edge. It receives initial HTTP connection requests, acting like the actual endpoint. A reverse proxy operates by:
- Receiving a user connection request.
- Completing a TCP three-way handshake, terminating the initial connection
- Connecting with the origin server and forwarding the original request
In contrast, a forward proxy server is also positioned at your network’s edge, but regulates outbound traffic according to preset policies in shared networks. Additionally, it disguises a client’s IP address and blocks malicious incoming traffic. Forward proxies are typically used internally by large organizations, such as universities and enterprises, to:
- Block employees from visiting certain websites
- Monitor employee online activity
- Block malicious traffic from reaching an origin server
- Improve the user experience by caching external site content
正向代理的主要作用是代理客户端向目标服务器请求资源,通常用于翻墙、加速访问和隐藏客户端身份等方面。正向代理需要客户端显式地指定代理服务器,否则请求无法被转发。实现方式通常是将代理服务器配置在客户端上,例如通过浏览器的代理设置来指定代理服务器。客户端发送请求时,请求会先被转发到代理服务器,代理服务器再将请求发送到目标服务器。在这个过程中,客户端与目标服务器之间并没有直接的联系,目标服务器只知道请求来自代理服务器,而不知道客户端的真实 IP 地址。